Cookies grunt livereload
Cookies grunt livereload


We’ve modified the default task to run watch instead of compass. We’ve also defined the tasks to run – one for now, but this can be an array of many tasks – when a file has been changed. You’ll see that we’ve added a list of files types for Grunt to look for. Here are the contents of my very basic package.json file: '], Let’s create a package.json and a Gruntfile.js in the root of our project.


Please see the getting started guide for more information on how to configure grunt: Fatal error: Unable to find Gruntfile. If we were to run a grunt in our project directory, we’d get a message something like this:Ī valid Gruntfile could not be found.

cookies grunt livereload


Once you’ve got those installed, you’re ready to install the Grunt CLI globally. First and foremost, Grunt uses Node.js and is installed via npm – node’s package manager. Grunt has some basic documentation on their website about setting up your project. look into how we can use Grunt to minify and concatenate our Javascript using uglify JS.monitor our project for changes to HTML and JS files, and use LiveReload to refresh our page.monitor our project for changes to SASS files, and use Compass to compile them into CSS.There may be other Javascript task runner solutions, but I don’t know of any at the moment that are worth taking a look at. There’s an extremely active plugin development community, and people involved in the project seem more than willing to help out in answering your questions. Honest answer? Because it seems like everyone under the sun is using it for doing anything from simple workflow enhancements, to complete production build systems. I’d love to hear your feedback! Why Grunt? Some of the things that are done below can and probably should be optimized. Let’s take a look at how to integrate Grunt in a very simple workflow.īe forwarned, I’m quite new to Grunt in general. I’ve been using tools like SASS and Compass for a while now, and recently started to dive into bower for doing front-end package management. Not necessarily technically, but I was confused on how it would actually benefit my workflow. Unfortunately, the barrier for entry seemed a little bit high for me. Maybe you’ve at least heard of it, or have heard of people using it in their workflows. If you’re anything like myself, you’ve probably had interest in trying to utilize Grunt.js in your projects.

Cookies grunt livereload